1-to-1 Chat

Whatever stage you are currently at we can provide a professional viewpoint for you and your company, and will help you start to identify your options and how to prepare for a future business sale, acquisition or growth strategy.


Tuesdays and Wednesdays


Various times depending on availability


Teams (unless you have another preference)

Our 1-to-1 Chats provide an opportunity for a confidential and no obligation video meeting about the steps towards achieving your business goals.


We are experts in the tech sector with a specific focus on IT support, digital services and instrumentation – including managed IT services, B2B software, cyber security, telecoms, data management, digital marketing and more.


The meetings are with a Prism Director and are available on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. They are scheduled to last 30 minutes and are booked on a first come, first served basis. You can book your meeting directly via Calendly where you can choose your preferred time, alternatively please email us if you have any questions or requirements.